1. Honda A, Matsuda Y, Murayama R, Tsuji K, Nishikawa M, Koike E, Yoshida S, Ichinose T, Takano H: Effects of Asian sand dust particles on the respiratory and immune system. J Appl Toxicol 34:250-257, 2014. doi: 10.1002/jat.2871. PMID:23576315(4月)2. Sadakane K, Ichinose T, Takano H, Yanagisawa R, Koike E, Inoue K: The alkylphenols 4-nonylphenol, 4-tert-octylphenol and 4-tert-butylphenol aggravate atopic dermatitis-like skin lesions in NC/Nga mice. J Appl Toxicol 34: 893-902, 2014. doi: 10.1002/jat.2911.(8月)
3. Yanagisawa R, Koike E, Ichinose T, Takano H: Obese mice are resistant to eosinophilic airway inflammation induced by diesel exhaust particles. J Appl Toxicol 34: 688-694, 2014. doi: 10.1002/jat.2925.(6月)
4. Koike E, Yanagisawa R, Takigami H, Takano H: Penta- and octa-bromodiphenyl ethers promote proinflammatory protein expression in human bronchial epithelial cells in vitro. Toxicology in Vitro 28:327–333, 2014. doi:pii: S0887-2333(13)00269-5.(3月)
5. Honda A, Murayama R, Matsuda Y,Tsuji K, Sawahara T, Fukushima Y, Hayashi T, Shimada A, Takano H: Effects of hydrogen peroxide on mucociliary transport in human airway epithelial cells. Toxicol Mech and Method 24:191-195, 2014.(3月)
6. Sadakane K, Ichinose T, Takano H, Yanagisawa R, Koike E: Effects of oral administration of di-(2-ethylhexyl) and diisononyl phthalates on atopic dermatitis in NC/Nga mice. Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol 36: 61-69, 2014.(2月)
7. Yanagisawa R, Koike E, Tin-Tin Win-Shwe, Yamamoto M, Takano H: Impaired lipid and glucose homeostasis in hexabromocyclododecane-exposed mice fed a high-fat diet. Env Health Persp 122: 277-283, 2014.(3月)
8. Aung KH, Tin-Tin Win-Shwe, Kanaya M, Takano H, Tsukahara S: Involvement of hemeoxygenase-1 in di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP)-induced apoptosis of Neuro-2a cells. J Toxicol Sci 39: 217-229, 2014.(4月)
9. Liu B, Ichinose T, He M, Kobayashi N, Maki T, Yoshida S, Yoshida Y, Arashidani K, Nishikaw M, Takano H, Sun G, Shibamoto T: Lung inflammation by fungus, Bjerkandera adusta isolated from Asian sand dust (ASD) aerosol and enhancement of ovalbumin -induced lung eosinophilia by ASD and the fungus in mice. Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology 10: 10, 2014.(2月)
10. Ren Y, Ichinose T, He M, Song Y, Yoshida Y, Yoshida S, Nishikawa M, Takano H, Sun G, Shibamoto T: Enhancement of OVA-induced murine lung eosinophilia by co-exposure to contamination levels of LPS in Asian sand dust and heated dust. Allergy Asthma Clin Immunol 10:30,2014. doi: 9.1186/1710-1492-10-30. eCollection 2014. (6月)
11. Tanaka M, Inoue K, Kitamura Y, Shimada A, Takano H: In vitro action of Sho-seiryu-to on allergen-exposed mononuclear cells. Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol 27: 607-610, 2014.(10~12月)
12. Koike E, Yanagisawa R, Takano H: Toxicological effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their derivatives on respiratory cells. Atmospheric Environment 97: 529-536, 2014.(11月)
13. Imai S, Tokumoto M, Fujiwara Y, Honda A, Hasegawa T, Seko Y, Lee JY, Nagase H, Satoh M: Gene expression differences in the duodenum of 129/Sv and DBA/2 mice compared with that of C57BL/6J mice. J Toxicol Sci 39:173-7, 2014.(2月)
14. Yoshida M, Honda A, Watanabe C, Satoh M, Yasutake A: Neurobehavioral changes in response to alterations in gene expression profiles in the brains of mice exposed to low and high levels of mercury vapor during postnatal development. J Toxicol Sci 39:561-70, 2014.(8月)
15. Nakamura S, Shimazawa M, Inoue Y, Takata S, Ito Y, Tsuruma K, Ikeda T, Honda A, Satoh M, Hara H: Role of metallothioneins 1 and 2 in ocular neovascularization. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 55:6851-6860, 2014. doi: 10.1167/iovs.14-14545.(9月)
16. Konishi S, Ng CF, Stickley A, Nishihata S, Shinsugi C, Ueda K, Takami A,Watanabe C: Particulate matter modifies the association between airborne pollen and daily medical consultations for pollinosis in Tokyo. Sci Total Environ 499:125-32,2014.(11月)
17. Matsukawa R, Michikawa T, Ueda K, Nitta H, Kawasaki T, Tashiro H, Mohri M, Yamamoto Y: Desert dust is a risk factor for the incidence of acute myocardial infarction in Western Japan. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes 7(5):743-8,2014.(9月)
1. 本田晶子、高野裕久:エアロゾルの健康影響に関する実験的研究 ―微小粒子状物質と黄砂による呼吸器系・循環器系への影響― クリーンテクノロジー 24: 27-30, 2014.2. 高野裕久:環境汚染による生活環境病、生活習慣病の増悪・増加
環境衛生工学研究 28: 3-15, 2014.
3. 本田晶子、高野裕久:環境とアレルギー アレルギーの臨床 34: 628-629, 2014.
4. 田中満崇、井上健一郎、高野裕久:職業性環境要因とアレルギー
アレルギーの臨床 34: 655-659, 2014.
5. 本田晶子、上田佳代、高野裕久:環境汚染物質とアレルギー
日本予防医学会雑誌 9: 61-66, 2014.
6. 本田晶子、小池英子、柳沢利枝、井上健一郎、高野裕久:環境化学物質とアレルギーに関する研究の進展 アレルギー 63:1205-1214, 2014.
7. 田中満崇、井上健一郎、高野裕久:粒子状物質とアレルギーに関する研究の進展
アレルギー 63: 1289-1297, 2014.
1. Inoue K, Tanaka M, Takano H: DEP-induced Th17 response in asthmatic subjects. J Allergy Clin Immunol 133: 1495-1496, 2014. (correspondence)口頭発表
1. 高野裕久環境汚染物質とアレルギー
2. 高野裕久
1. 高野裕久PM2.5を含む大気汚染物質の健康影響とその発現メカニズム
PM2.5 and energy security 2014(京都)2014年3月7日
1. 高野裕久PM2.5と黄砂の健康影響とその発症メカニズム -実験的見地から-
1. 本田晶子、辻堅志、村山留美子、林智裕、福嶋渉、澤原隆紘、高野裕久大気中金属化合物が呼吸器系・免疫系に及ぼす影響
2. 本田晶子、福嶋渉、辻堅志、澤原隆紘、林智裕、大石瑞貴、工藤仁美、上田佳代、高野裕久
3. 本田晶子、福嶋渉、大石瑞貴、辻堅志、澤原隆紘、林智裕、工藤仁美、上田佳代、高野裕久
4. 福嶋渉、大石瑞貴、本田晶子、辻堅志、澤原隆紘、林智裕、工藤仁美、上田佳代、高野裕久
5. 小池英子、柳澤利枝、Tin Tin Win Shwe、高野裕久