2. Kobayashi Y, Shimada A, Morita T, Inoue K, Takano H: A pathological study of acute pulmonary toxicity induced by inhaled Kanto loam powder. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 31:19(2), 2018.
3. Kotani K,Ueda K,Seposo X,Yasukouchi S,Matsumoto H,Ono M,Honda A,Takano H: Effects of high ambient temperature on ambulance dispatches in different age groups in Fukuoka.Japan. Global Health Action 11:(1)1437882, 2018.
4. Phung VLH, Ueda K, Kasaoka S, Seposo X, Tasmin S, Yonemochi S, Arthit Phosri A, Honda A, Takano H, Tanaka M, Nitta H: Acute effects of ambient PM2.5 on all-cause and cause-specific emergency ambulance dispatches in Japan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15(2):307, 2018.
5. Yanagisawa R, Koike E, TinTin, Ichinose T, Takano H: Effects of lactational exposure to low-dose BaP on allergic and non-allergic immune responses in mice offspring. Journal of Immunotoxicology 15:31-40, 2018.
6. Shimada A, Miyake K, Kenmotsu Y, Ogihara K, Naya Y, Naota M, Morita T, Inoue K, Takano H: Pathological study of pulmonary toxicity induced by intratracheally instilled Asian sand dust (Kosa): Effects of lowered serum zinc level on the toxicity. Folia Histochem Cytobiol 56:(1)36-48, 2018.
7. Tanaka M, Inoue K, Shimada A, Takano H: Physiological effects of brominated flame retardants on NC/Nga mice. Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol 40: 1-5, 2018.
8. Koike E, Yanagisawa R, Win-Shwe TT, Takano H: Exposure to low-dose bisphenol A during the juvenile period of development disrupts the immune system and aggravates allergic airway inflammation in mice. International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology 30: 1-14, 2018
9. Seposo X, Kondo M, Ueda K, Honda Y, Michikawa T, Yamazaki S, Nitta H: Health impact assessment of PM2.5-related mitigation scenarios using local risk coefficient estimates in 9 Japanese cities. Environment International 120: 525-534, 2018 Nov.
10. Onishi T, Honda A, Tanaka M, Chowdhury PH, Okano H, Okuda T, Shishido D, Terui Y, Hasegawa S, Kameda T, Tohno S, Hayashi M, Nishita-Hara C, Hara K, Inoue K, Yasuda M, Hirano S, Takano H: Ambient fine and coarse particles in Japan affect nasal and Bronchial epithelial cells differently and elicit varying immune response. Environmental pollution 242: 1693-1701, 2018 Nov.
1. 本田晶子: 高校生向けの知的人材育成プログラム(ELCAS)実施報告Environ.Sanit.Eng.Res.32(2)29-33,2018
1. 小谷和也、上田佳代、サークセス セポソ、安河内秀輔、松本弘子、小野雅司、本田晶子、高野裕久夏季の高気温が救急搬送数に与える影響:年齢別の検討
2. 長谷川博史、上田佳代、本田晶子、高野裕久
3. Seposo XT, Ueda K, Michikawa T, Yamazaki S, Nitta H
A multi-city time-stratified case crossover analysis of the effects PM2.5 and Ox on daily cause-specific outpatient visits in Japan
4. 金藤一路、上田佳代、小谷和也、Seposo Xerxes Tesoro、本田晶子、高野裕久
The influence of extreme precipitation on gastrointestinal illness in Saitama prefecture
5. Yanagisawa R, Koike E, Win-Shwe TT, Takano H
Oral exposure to bisphenol A impairs allergic asthma in mice
6. Win-Shwe TT, Yanagisawa R, Koike E, Takano H
Dietary exposure to flame retardant tris (2-butoxyethyl) phosphate alters cognitive function and inflammatory markers in brain of a mouse model of allergic asthma
第41回日本神経科学大会 神戸 2018年7月26-29日
7. 田村紳、本田晶子、田中満崇、大西俊範、岡野人士、高井さつき、王造時、高野裕久、田中利夫
8. 奥田知明、完戸大輝、照井凱大、佐藤摘歩実、本田晶子、大西俊範、田中満崇、高野裕久、長谷川就一、亀田貴之、東野達、西田千春、原圭一郎、林政彦、井上浩三
9. Phung Vera Ling Hui、上田佳代、Seposo Xerxes、道川武紘 、山崎新、新田裕史、高見昭憲、菅田誠治、吉野彩子、本田晶子、高野裕久
10. Seposo Xerxes、上田佳代、菅田誠治、吉野彩子、高見昭憲
11. 高見昭憲、小島 淳、道川武紘、上田佳代、吉野彩子、三澤健太郎、小島知子、坂本哲夫、畠山史郎、新田裕史、小川久雄
12. 奥田知明、完戸大輝、照井凱大、佐藤摘歩実、本田晶子、大西俊範、田中満崇、高野裕久、長谷川就一
13. 田中満崇、大西俊範、本田晶子、Pratiti H Chowdhury、岡野人士、奥田知明、長谷川就一、亀田貴之、東野達、林政彦、西田千春、原圭一郎、井上浩三、高野裕久
14. 小池英子、柳澤利枝、Tin Tin Win Shwe、柳澤利枝、高野裕久
デカブロモジフェニルエーテルは食餌依存性肥満症マウスおよびin vitroにおける免疫応答を修飾する
15. 三﨑健太郎、高野裕久、金澤寛明、井上健一郎
環境汚染・バイオアッセイ 多環芳香族化合物の抗原応答修飾作用
1. Seposo XT, Ueda KAir pollution and outpatient skin disease visits in Japan
ICACCA2018(Bangi Selangor Malaysia)27-28 March 2018
2. Seposo X, Ueda K, Honda Y
Income gap affects efficiency of decision making units in reducing temperature-related deaths
Planetary Health Annual Meeting(Scotland, UK)May 2018
3. Phosri A, Ueda, K, Honda A, Takano H
Health effect of air pollution in Thailand: Recent research development and challenges
ISEE-AC(Taiwan)June 2018
4. Paoin K, Ueda K, Seposo XT, Hayano J, Kiyono K, Ueda N, Kawamura T, Takano H
The Association between PM2.5 and Heart Rate Variability in Japan
ISEE-AC(Taiwan)June 2018
5. Seposo X, Ueda K, Honda Y
Efficiency of local decision making units in addressing temperature-related risks in the Philippines
ISEE-AC(Taiwan)June 2018
6. Seposo X, Ueda K
Public Utility Vehicle Modernization program in the Philippines: a health impact assessment study
ISEE-AC(Taiwan)June 2018
7. Seposo X, Ueda K, Takami A
Disentangling the heatwave and PM2.5 effects on outpatient cardiovascular and respiratory visits in Japan
ISEE-AC(Taiwan)June 2018
8. Tanaka T, Tamura S, Honda A, Tanaka M, Okano H, Onishi T, Takai S, Wang Z, Ueda K, Takano H
Effect of streamer plasma irradiation on ambient PM2.5-induced pro-inflammatory responses in human bronchial epithelial cells
IndoorAir2018(Philadelphia)22-27 July 2018
9. OkudaT, Takano H, Honda A, Hasegawa S, Kameda T, Tohno S, Onishi T, Tanaka M, Hayashi M, Hara K, Nishita C, Shishido D, Terui Y, Sato T, Inoue K
Identification of the Factors Responsible for the Health Effects of Atmospheric Fine Particles by Cyclone Collection Method and Exposure Experiments
IAC2018(St. Louis)2-7 September 2018
10. Shishido D, Okuda T, Takano H, Honda A, Hasegawa S, Kameda T, Tohno S, Onishi T, Tanaka M, Hayashi M, Hara K, Nishita C, Terui Y, Sato T, Inoue K.
Cyclone collection of fine and coarse particles followed by exposure experiments
IGAC(Takamatsu)Sep 2018
11. Yanagisawa R, Koike E, Tin-Tin Win-Shwe, Takano H: Effects of lactational exposure to low-dose benzo[a]pyrene on allergic airway inflammation in mice offspring
APAAACI & APAPARI(Bangkok)Oct 2018
12. Win-Shwe TT, Yanagisawa R, Koike E, Takano H
Exposure to bisphenol A on novel object recognition ability and neuroimmune biomarkers in allergic asthmatic mice
APAAACI & APAPARI(Bangkok)Oct 2018
13. Vera LH Phung, Ueda K, Honda A, Takano H
Needs for scientific evidence on health effects of air pollution in Malaysia
Better Air Quality (BAQ) Conference(Malaysia)14-16 Nov 2018