

1. Phosri A, Ueda K, Phung VLH, Tawatsupa B, Honda A, Takano H: Effects of ambient air pollution on daily hospital admissions for respiratory and cardiovascular diseases in Bangkok, Thailand. Sci Total Environ 15; 651(Pt 1): 1144-1153, 2019 Feb 15.

2. Honda A, Ito S, Tanaka M, Sawahara T, Hayashi T, Fukushima W, Kitamura G, Kudo H, Chowdhury PH, Okano H, Onishi T, Kawaryu Y, Higashihara M, Nakayama H, Ueda K, Takano H: Extract of curry powder and its components protect against diesel exhaust particle-induced inflammatory responses in human airway epithelial cells. Food And Agricultural Immunology 30;1: 1212-1224, 2019 Jan

3. Seposo X, Ueda K, Sang Seo Park, Sudo K, Takemura T, Nakajima T: Effect of global atmospheric aerosol emission change on PM2.5-related health impacts. Global Health Action 12(1):1664130, 2019 Jan

4. Yanagisawa R, Koike E, Win-Shwe TT, Takano H: Decabromodiphenyl ether exacerbates hyperglycemia in diet-induced obese mice. Toxicology 412:12-18, 2019 Jan 15.

5. Chowdhury PH, Honda A, Ito S, Okano H, Onishi T, Higashihara M, Okuda T, Tanaka T, Hirai S, Takano H: Effects of Ambient PM2.5 Collected Using Cyclonic Separator from Asian Cities on Human Airway Epithelial Cells. Aerosol and Air Quality Research 19(8):1808-1819, 2019 Jan

6. Inoue K, Takano H, Shimada A: Effects of diesel exhaust particles on apoptosis related to lung inflammation. Biochem Res 30(5): 796-799, 2019.

7. Nomura K, Karita K, Araki A, Nishioka E, Muto G, Iwai-Shimada M, Nishikitani M, Inoue M, Tsurugano S, Kitano N, Tsuji M, Iijima S, Ueda K, Kamijima M, Yamagata Z, Sakata K, Iki M, Yanagisawa H, Kato M, Inadera H, Kokubo Y, Yokoyama K, Koizumi A, Otsuki T: For making a declaration of countermeasures against the falling birth rate from the Japanese Society for Hygiene: summary of discussion in the working group on academic research strategy against an aging society with low birth rate. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND PREVENTIVE MEDICINE 24(1), 2019 Mar

8. Tanaka M, Inoue K, Shimada A, Mimura T, Takano H: Effects of repeated pulmonary exposure to carbon nanotubes on lung function. Toxicol Environ Health Sci 11(2): 120-124, 2019 Jun.

9. Komai M, Mihara K, Shimada A, Miyamoto I, Ogihara K, Naya Y, Morita T, Inoue K, Takano H: Pathological Study on Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Silicotic Lung Lesions in Rat. Vet Sci 30:6(3), 2019 Aug

10. Win-Shwe TT, Yanagisawa R, Koike E, Takano H: Memory function, neurological and immunological biomarkers in allergic asthmatic mice intratracheally exposed to bisphenol A. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 16(19): 3770, 2019 Oct

11. Azuma,K., Uchiyama I, Tanigawa M, Bamba I, Azuma M, Takano H, Yoshikawa T, Sakabe K: Chemical intolerance: involvement of brain function and networks after exposure to extrinsic stimuli perceived as hazardous. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine (review) 24(1):61, 2019 Dec

12. Yanagisawa R, Koike E, Win-Shwe TT, Takano H: Oral exposure to low dose bisphenol A aggravates allergic airway inflammation in mice. Toxicology Reports 17;6:1253-1262, 2019.

13. 小谷和也、上田佳代、Xerxes Seposo、小野雅司、本田晶子、高野裕久
日本衛生学雑誌74: 19007, 2019

14. Michikawa T, Ueda K, Takami A, Sugata S, Yoshino A, Nitta Hiroshi, Yamazaki S: Japanese Nationwide Study on the Association Between Short-term Exposure to Particulate Matter and Mortality. JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY 29(12): 471-477, 2019 Dec


1. 蓮沼英樹、市瀬孝道、上田佳代、小田嶋博、金谷久美子、清水厚、高見昭憲、竹内文乃、西脇祐司、渡部仁成、橋爪真弘
黄砂の健康影響に関する疫学文献レビュー:2009 年- 2018 年
日本衛生学雑誌74: 19010, 2019


1. 野村恭子、苅田香苗、荒木敦子、西岡笑子、武藤剛、岩井美幸、錦谷まりこ、井上まり子、鶴ヶ野しのぶ、北野尚美、辻真弓、飯島佐知子、上田佳代、上島通浩、山縣然太郎、坂田清美、伊木雅之、柳澤裕之、加藤昌志、横山和仁、小泉昭夫、大槻剛巳
日本衛生学雑誌 74: 18034, 2019

2. 上田佳代
4-3 循環器疾患に対する影響
大気環境の事典 192-193, 2019

3. 上田佳代
4-6 その他の健康影響
大気環境の事典 196-197, 2019




1. 本田晶子、伊藤翔、中山英樹、上田佳代、高野裕久

2. Seposo X、上田佳代、吉野彩子、菅田誠治、高見昭憲

3. 田中満崇、井上健一郎、高野裕久

4. Paoin K, Ueda K, Seposo X T,Hayano J,Kiyono K,Ueda N,Kawamura T, Takano H
The Association between PM2.5 and Heart Rate Variability in Japan

5. 奥田知明、後藤孝彰、本田晶子、大西俊範、田中満崇、高野裕久、長谷川就一、亀田貴之、東野達、西田千春、原圭一郎、林政彦、井上浩三
Investigation of Health Impact by Exposure Experiment with Particulate Matter collected using Cyclones in each Season at three Japanese sites

6. 長谷川博史、上田佳代、Seposo Xerxes、板野泰之、本田晶子、高野裕久

7. 本田晶子、高野裕久


1. Seposo X
Impact of Global Emission Ensemble Projections on Global Burden of Air pollution-related diseases
PMAC 2019 Side Meeting(Thai)2019年1月29-31日

2. Okuda T, Goto T, Takano H, Honda A, Onishi T, Tanaka M, Hasegawa S, Kamada T, Tohno S, Hayashi M, Hara K, Nishita C, Inoue K.
Factors Responsible for the Biological Responses by Exposure of Atmospheric Fine and Coarse Particles Collected by Cyclone in Three Japanese Cities
AAC 2019(香港)2019年5月

3. Seposo X, Ueda K, Nakata M, Sudo K, Masui T, Takemura T, Nakajima T.
Expected changes in PM2.5-related premature mortality from 2010-2040 under various emission countermeasure scenarios
ISEE 2019(Nederland)2019年8月25-28日

4. Honda A, Nagao M, Miyasaka N, Tanaka M, Okuda T, Hasegawa S, Kameda T, Tohno S, Takano H
PM2.5 collected by cyclone technique causes stronger biological responses than that by filter.
The 18th PBC Conference(京都)2019年9月16-19日

5. Phung V L H, Ueda K, Seposo X, Honda A, Takano H
Hourly Association between Ambient Suspended Particulate Matter and Human Health
The 18th PBC Conference(京都)2019年9月16-19日

6. Tin-Tin Win-Shwe, Yanagisawa R, Koike E, Takano H: Exposure to flame retardant tris (2-butoxyethyl) phosphate induces memory deficit and neuroinflammatory responses in a mouse model of allergic asthma.
EUROTOX Helsinki Sep 2019

7. Okuda T, Goto T, Takano H, Honda A, Onishi T, Tanaka M, Hasegawa S, Kameda T, Tohno S, Hayashi M, Hara K, Nishita C, Hara K, Inoue K
Cyclone collection of particulate matter followed by Exposure experiments
37th AAAR Annual Conference(ポーランド)2019年10月14-18日

8. Uttajug A, Ueda K, Takami A, Yoshino A, Sugata S, Michikawa T, Yamazaki S, Nitta H, Honda A, Takano H.
Associations of Particle Compositions with Emergency Ambulance Dispatches in Osaka, Japan.
ISEE-ISES AC 2019(韓国)2019年10月17-19日


1. 高野裕久、本田晶子

2. 本田晶子、高野裕久

3. 本田晶子、高野裕久

4. 上田佳代、Athicha Uttajug、高見昭憲、菅田誠治、吉野彩子


1. 高野裕久


1. 関西テレビ 2019.4.9 報道ランナー(ハウス食品との共同研究)